Get Access To Micro Service Insiders For Only

$299.95/mo.  $99.95/mo. TODAY!

NOW INCLUDES the Done-For-You (DFY) Social Posting Service

Are You Sick And Tired Of Wasting All Of Your Precious Time Providing Customized "Results Based" Services Only To Lose Your High-Ticket Clients Within A Month Or Two?

Join My Flagship Program And I'll Give You Everything You Need To FREE YOUR TIME While Skyrocketing Your Digital Marketing Agency... Without Increasing Your Workload By Getting Easy to Sell Recurring Clients In 8 Weeks Or Less!

I'm so excited to share with you this done-for-you program. It puts YOU on the fast-track to becoming a successful, in-demand Local Small Business Consultant (even if you're brand new and have never done this type of business before).

Easier To Sell Clients

Hey Kerry Knoll here...


Local small businesses simply cannot afford the traditional customized "results-based" services you've been trying to sell them.

You know the ones I'm talking about...

Custom Built Websites for $5,000 or more, SEO for $1,500/mo., social media management for $2,000/mo., etc.

If you do happen to make one of these sales, god bless you!

But unfortunately, most of the time it simply results in the local small business owner looking for a miracle to "save" their business...

So they "gamble" with unrealistic expectations in a completely unrealistic timeframe, even though you probably have told them all of this upfront.

So what happens next?

You guessed it!

They pull the plug on you...

NOT because you didn't deliver on your end (of course actually assuming you did do what you promised you would do for them)...

But rather simply because they are cash flow strapped and can no longer afford your high-ticket service(s).

So you're lucky if you get them to stick with you for 2-3 months.

Who wants that kind of stress or headaches?

I know I don't!

And since you're here reading this, I'm assuming you don't either.

Congratulations on realizing that what you've been shown or told about the local small business consulting model is simply broken and not true...

And it's not your fault!

And you're not alone!

I'll be the first to admit that I used to believe in offering customized services for each client I had...

And then one day I came to the same realization as I was like a dog chasing its own tail.

That's when I had an epiphany, that "ah-ha" moment.

I thought, why can't I create solutions for local small business clients that are generic enough that they can be reused from client to client in the same niche/industry?

Because if I could do the work one time and reuse it over and over for client after client then I could "productize" my services and sell them at much lower price points...

Which Means More Clients

So even though I was selling my services for much lower prices ($99/mo. - $299/mo.) than ever before...

I was able to get more clients to say, "Yes!" to my offers.

Which meant it was much easier to get clients than ever before...

Plus my churn rate dropped significantly as these services were very much affordable for local small businesses of any size in any niche/industry.

And since my services were "productized", I could sell them to as many clients as I wanted...

Without Working More

And that's the key!

We all got into this entrepreneurial game to have more freedom...

To not have a boss...

And to not have to punch a clock 9-5.

So not only did I have more clients...

I was working far fewer hours than ever before...

While Generating More Money

And that's the truth!

While it doesn't seem possible...

I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that "less is more."

Meaning, even though I was charging significantly less per client...

The sheer volume of clients easily made up for it...

To the point where it just didn't equal what I was earning before, but it surpassed it by a long shot!

And the best part was that I was no longer desperately on the hunt for my next client every 2-3 months to replace the last one...

This new business model...

Created A Stream Of Recurring Monthly Revenues

Ask anyone and they will tell you that the "holy grail" of business is generating recurring monthly revenues.

Because starting from zero, zilch, nada every month sucks!

And even if you have a couple clients paying you high-ticket fees ($1,500 or more per month)...

When one or two suddenly quit on you...

It's like you're starting all over every month.

That's why this business model is way, way better...

Because since every client is paying significantly less per month...

If one or two quits on you...

You'll barely even notice it.

Not to mention since the price points of your new productized services are so much more affordable...

You can expect...

Much Lower Churn Rates

To the point where most clients will never quit!


Because the insignificant amount you're charging them is not affecting their bottom line...


It's almost more of a hassle for them to quit than to just keep paying for it (think Netflix subscription).

And if they do quit...

So what?!

You'll simply replace them with another local small business client.

Plus these clients know exactly what they signed-up for...

They don't have unrealistic expectations from the "productized" services you're providing to them.

And The Best Part... You Have Happy Clients!

And who doesn't want that?!

Of course everyone does...

Because there's no better feeling in the world than running a low-maintenance business while providing services your clients desperately need...

But are even happier to pay for it!

That's a recipe for success...

For both you AND your clients.

Ready To Transform Your Business?

Imagine having a business that practically runs itself...

Where you don't have to have any expertise of any kind...

Where you don't have to feel the pressure to make high-ticket sales...

Where clients say "Yes!" a hell of a lot more often than they say, "No, thank you!"

Where you feel 100% confident in what you're selling and more importantly what you're delivering.

If it sounds too good to be true...

I can assure you it's not.

So you have two choices...

A. Stay with what you're currently doing in your business where you're working your tail off feeling overwhelmed where things are confusing and often complex... And you are lucky to keep a client for 2-3 months before they say something like, "I'm sorry, but unfortunately I'm not getting the results I had hoped for so I can't keep paying you and I will have to end our arrangement." Which in turn practically starts you off from zero each month. (ask me how I know!)


B. Make the switch from high-ticket custom "results-based" services that are hard to sell and even harder to deliver to low-ticket productized "activity-based" services that are easy to sell and even easier to deliver.

I think the choice is pretty clear.

And to be perfectly honest...

This is what has been missing from your business.

Just take a look around and you'll see everyone talking about this "new agency model"...

Some are doing it with SaaS (Software as a Service) only...

Others are doing it with digital assets only...

While I believe it's best to combine forces and use digital assets with SaaS.

I commonly refer to this hybrid agency model as "Micro Automated Services."

This is what I've been doing in my own agency since I made the switch back in 2018...

But don't just take my word for it...

Read What Others Have To Say...

David Perkins

"Kerry Knoll and Vegas Tech Group produces premium quality social media and digital marketing products for a price that allows even the smallest agency to make money. We use his digital agency social posts for our own social channels, and we use his niche specific products for our clients, including social posts and social newsletters. He’s also the only developer of this type of material that includes multiple formats, including .psd files, for his posting images and complete sales materials to help you find and land clients for your services. I’ve never seen this from anyone else; sales letters, Facebook ads, landing pages, lead magnets and email sequences – you get it all when you buy his social posting packages. It’s an amazing value, and the quality is as good as you’ll find. I highly recommend Kerry’s packages. Your clients will think you’re a genius."

Jay Herrera

“I’ve been a customer of Kerry Knoll for a couple of years now and I must say that his training programs and content packs are outstanding. They have really helped me in my goals of building my digital marketing agency for local businesses. The quality of what he produces allows you to be able to confidently approach businesses knowing that you can offer them amazing value with a verified system for success. If you have a chance to pick up any of Kerry’s programs/content packs, I highly recommend you do so.”

Richard Bowen

"So I've been using Kerry's programs for a few years now. He comes out with some of the very best offline marketing services to offer clients - what's actually working now in the real-world marketplace - that can really help them in their businesses. And he offers you ways to promote them, to help you present the features & benefits of the services to your prospective clients, to help convince them of the value you're offering them. A complete package. And his support's pretty strong, too. So check out Kerry & what he's offering. He's a go-to guy in the offline marketing arena."


In this group, I will give you all of my best selling products, strategies, and accountability you need to take your business to the next level all with the support of an amazing community.

You Will Be Able To Get Access To EVERYTHING You Need In Order To Start Selling Micro Automated Services And Includes:

  • Members ONLY FREE Access To Kerry's Social Posting Application (RePOSTible) - Includes UNLIMITED CLIENTS and UNLIMITED SCHEDULED POSTS!- *DFY Social Posting Service NOW INCLUDED!!!* - Gives you the ability to be completely hands off and have Kerry post to ALL of your own and your clients social media accounts on your behalf without having to do any of the setup or scheduling yourself.

  • Members ONLY Get INSTANT ACCESS To 101+ Image Packs in SPA!

  • ​Members ONLY 10,000+ Niche Specific Leads Each Month Delivered On The 1st Of Every Month!

  • Members ONLY 1-9 Niche Specific Products (Depending On The Niche) Each Month Delivered on the 8th Of Every Month!

  • ​Members ONLY 60 Brand New Social Posts & 4 Brand New Blog Posts Each Month (Details Below) Delivered on the 15th Of Every Month!

  • Members ONLY Live Training/Q&A Sessions To Help You Get More Clients

  • ​Members ONLY Private Community

  • Members ONLY Exclusive Discount Deals/Sales Of Up To 90% OFF Retail Pricing On Most Products/Programs

  • Members ONLY BONUS: Become an Affiliate for Kerry's Programs and Earn 50% in Affiliate Commissions

  • ​​Members ONLY BONUS: Option to Purchase White Label Resell Rights

  • Members ONLY BONUS: Prizes/Gifts (For Reaching Milestones & Anniversaries)

  • Members ONLY Get INSTANT ACCESS To 101+ Image Packs!

  • Members ONLY 60 Brand New Social Posts & 4 Brand New Blog Posts Each Month (Details Below)!

  • Members ONLY 10,000+ Niche Specific Leads Each Month!

  • Members ONLY Weekly Live Training/Q&A Sessions To Help You Get More Clients

  • ​Members ONLY Community (Private Facebook Group)

  • Members ONLY Exclusive Discount Deals/Sales Of Up To 90% OFF Retail Pricing On All Products

  • Members ONLY BONUS: 5-Day Challenges (Facebook Ads, Social Posting, etc.)

  • Members ONLY BONUS: Become an Affiliate for Kerry's Programs and Earn 50% in Affiliate Commissions

  • Members ONLY BONUS: Option to Purchase White Label Resell Rights

  • Members ONLY BONUS: Prizes/Gifts (For Reaching Milestones & Anniversaries)

Live Trainings With Q&A Specifically Designed To Help You Get More Clients For Your Micro Automated Services:

  • What’s Working Now – Every month I give you the most up-to-date information on the social media platforms… changes in the algorithm, trends that are really working, new features to try out, and more.

  • ​​We'll be meeting at least once per month, LIVE, over Zoom where I will teach you various ways to get MORE CLIENTS for your Micro Automated Services and get ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED.

And In Case You're Wondering...

​Micro Automated Services Include:

  • Social Posting (2x - 4x Daily)

  • Email Newsletters (Monthly)

  • ​Blog Posting (Monthly, Bi-Weekly, or Weekly)

  • ​Hybrid Sales Funnel Websites (3-Page Sales Funnel + Blog Site - i.e. WordPress)

  • ​Chatbots (Website / Sales Funnel Support and/or Using Facebook Ads)

  • ​Billboards (Social Media Profile Header/Hero Graphics)

  • ​Stories (Facebook & Instagram)

  • ​Deals (Like Groupon Using Facebook Ads)

  • ​Birthday Celebrations (Using Facebook Ads)

  • ​Retargeting (Using Facebook Ads)

  • ​Appointment Booking (Using HighLevel)

  • Missed Call, Text Back (Using HighLevel)

The Road Map...

I've created a path for your success below that will eliminate the complexity, confusion, and overwhelm.


Automate The Sales Process For Social Posting Services

​In this stage you'll learn how to get your DFY Local Social Salesman sales funnel website set up 

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training to setup your salesman website template to close clients 24/7/365 just like having your very own sales person.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on posting content to Facebook business pages on autopilot which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!


Automate The DFY Content For Your Business

In this stage you'll learn how to get your DFY content posted to your website and on your Facebook Business Page and other social media accounts

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your own Facebook Business page to attract more customers and clients!

Each month get 60 BRAND NEW completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images about Small Businesses for your own Facebook Business page to attract more customers and clients!

Each month get 4 BRAND NEW completely done-for-you high-quality professionally written 750+ word blog posts about Small Businesses for your own website and Facebook Business page to attract more customers and clients!


Automating The Client Prospecting Process

In this stage you'll learn how to set up your automated client prospecting systems

This product will allow you to easily prospect for new clients through an evergreen email system for your social posting services.

This product will give you training and a done-for-you method for creating a 'Social Sales Funnel' to drive leads for pennies on the dollar to your own and/or your client's offers.   You can sell this as a service and charge $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more! 

This product will give you the necessary training for creating niche-specific Facebook groups of local business owners to build trust by providing value in the form of intent based branding and ultimately selling them their own digital marketing expertise in the form of digital marketing courses (training) which the local business owners can implement themselves.


Automating The Follow-Up Process For Your Prospects and Clients

​In this stage you'll learn how to set up your automated client follow-up system

This product will allow you to easily retarget prospective clients using Facebook ads with your special promotions for your digital marketing services.

This product will allow you to easily follow-up with prospective clients month-after-month, year-after-year with special promotions for your digital marketing services.


Automate The Service Fulfillment With The Social Posting Application (RePOSTible)

In this stage you'll learn how to set up all of your social posting image packs for your clients through my software as a service

RePOSTible is a software as a service (SaaS) you get FULL UNLIMITED ACCESS to for scheduling all of your own and your clients social posting needs!

Includes the following:

[+] Instant access to all 101+ image packs

[+] Unlimited clients

[+] Unlimited posts

[+] Done-for-you social posting service


Recycle Content

Automatically re-use content so that you never have to create new content again. 

Bulk Upload

Easily upload all of your images at once using a ZIP file format.  

Niche Specific Content

Instant access to professionally designed content available in OVER 90 industries/niches and counting.  


Post on Facebook

Post to your Facebook Pages that you own or manage for your clients.  

Post on Instagram

Post to your Instagram Business Profiles that you own or manage for your clients.  

Post on Twitter

Post to your Twitter account that you own or manage for your clients.  


Post on Google My Business

Post to your Google My Business listings  that you own or manage for your clients.  


Post on LinkedIn

Post to your LinkedIn profiles that you own or manage for your clients.  


Post on Pinterest

Post to your Pinterest account that you own or manage for your clients.  


NOW INCLUDES 110+ completely done-for-you niche specific, professionally designed content that's loaded directly into your account.

  • Accountants

  • ​Auto Detailers (Mobile) <- NEW!!!

  • Auto Insurance Agents

  • Auto Shops

  • Bail Bondsman <- NEW!!!

  • ​Bankruptcy Attorneys

  • ​Barbershops <- NEW!!!

  • ​Bath Remodelers

  • ​BBQ Restaurants <- NEW!!!

  • ​Bike Shops <- NEW!!!

  • ​Black History (365)

  • ​Breakfast Restaurants

  • ​Burger Joints <- NEW!!!

  • Business Funding <- NEW!!!

  • ​Cannabis Dispensaries

  • ​Car Washes <- NEW!!!

  • ​Carpet Cleaners

  • ​CBD

  • ​Chiropractors

  • ​Churches <- NEW!!!

  • ​Coffee Shops

  • ​Cosmetic Surgeons

  • ​Daycare

  • ​Dentists

  • ​Digital Marketing Agency

  • ​Dog Training

  • ​Doughnut Shops

  • DUI Attorneys

  • ​​Electricians

  • Engagement Questions <- NEW!!!

  • ​Eyecare

  • ​Eyelash Salons

  • ​Facebook Marketing

  • ​Family Law Attorneys

  • Financial Planners <- NEW!!!

  • ​Florists

  • ​Golf Courses

  • ​Google My Business Marketing

  • Gun Dealers & Ranges <- NEW!!!

  • ​Gyms

  • ​Hair Salons

  • ​Handyman

  • ​Health Insurance Agents

  • Heart Disease Awareness <- NEW!!!

  • ​Home Inspectors

  • ​Home Insurance Agents

  • ​Home Security

  • ​House Cleaners

  • ​HVAC

  • ​Ice Cream Parlors

  • ​Immigration Attorneys

  • ​Indian Restaurants <- NEW!!!

  • ​Instagram Marketing

  • ​Italian Restaurants

  • ​Jeopardy! <- NEW!!!

  • ​Jiu Jitsu Academies <- NEW!!!

  • ​Karate Dojos <- NEW!!!

  • ​Kids' Dentists

  • ​Kitchen Remodelers

  • ​Lawn Care Services

  • ​Life Insurance Agents

  • ​LinkedIn Marketing <- NEW!!!

  • ​Locksmiths

  • ​Med Spas

  • ​Meditation <- NEW!!!

  • ​Mexican Restaurants

  • ​Mortgage Brokers

  • ​Motivational Quotes

  • ​Movers

  • ​Nail Salons

  • ​National Days (365)

  • ​Orthodontists

  • ​Orthopedic Specialists (Childrens)

  • ​Painters

  • ​Pediatricians

  • ​Personal Injury Attorneys

  • ​Personal Trainers

  • ​Pest Control

  • ​Pet Grooming (Mobile)

  • ​Pet Hotels

  • Pizza Restaurants

  • Pinterest Marketing

  • Plumbers

  • Real Estate Agents

  • Roofers

  • Sandwich Shops <- NEW!!!

  • ​Seafood Restaurants <- NEW!!!

  • ​Social Posting Services

  • ​Spas

  • ​Sports History (365)

  • ​Steakhouses <- NEW!!!

  • ​Sushi Restaurants <- NEW!!!

  • ​Swimming Pool Cleaners

  • ​Taco Shops

  • ​Taekwondo Studios <- NEW!!!

  • Tanning Salons <- NEW!!!

  • This or That <- NEW!!!

  • ​TikTok Marketing <- NEW!!!

  • ​Tire & Lube

  • ​Towing Services <- NEW!!!

  • ​Trampoline Parks

  • ​Twitter Marketing <- NEW!!!

  • ​Veterinarians

  • ​Wedding & Engagement Photographers

  • ​Wedding Planners & Chapels 

  • ​Women's History (365)

  • Would You Rather <- NEW !!!

  • ​Yoga Studios

  • ​YouTube Marketing


All image packs include 180 images unless otherwise noted.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Bookings which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Messages which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on posting content to Google My Business on autopilot which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on providing Groupon like offers which are vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $450-$900 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on how to get NEW customers who are about to celebrate their birthdays using a unique Facebook ad strategy which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $199-$249 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Facebook Messenger Chatbots using ManyChat plus 8 essential ‘bots’ which are vital to your Agency and for Auto Shop Owners. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on updating client's Instagram Stories which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on updating client's social media billboards which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on providing monthly newsletters in various formats which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This is a monthly subscription that will give you 19+ niche specific completely done-for-you monthly email newsletters.

Sample Posts for Churches (Christian)
Sample Posts for Meditation
Sample Posts for Karate Dojos
Sample Posts for Taekwondo Studios
Sample Posts for Barber Shops
Sample Posts for Jiu Jitsu Academies
Sample Posts for Mobile Auto Detailers
Sample Posts for Towing Services
Sample Posts for Steakhouses
Sample Posts for Car Washes
Sample Posts for BBQ Restaurants
Sample Posts for Sandwich Shops
Sample Posts for Indian Restaurants
Sample Posts for Sushi Restaurants
Sample Posts for Swimming Pool Cleaners
Sample Posts for Chinese Restaurants
Sample Posts for Health Insurance Agents
Sample Posts for Dog Training
Sample Posts for Pet Hotels
Sample Posts for Pet Grooming (Mobile)
Sample Posts for Mortgage Brokers
Sample Posts for Movers
Sample Posts for Lawn Care Services
Sample Posts for Painters
Sample Posts for Ice Cream Parlors
Sample Posts for Kids' Dentists
Sample Posts for Home Inspectors
Sample Posts for Home Security
Sample Posts for Handyman
Sample Posts for HVAC
Sample Posts for Gyms
Sample Posts for Golf Courses
Sample Posts for Tire & Lube
Sample Posts for Locksmiths
Sample Posts for Wedding Planners & Chapels
Sample Posts for Wedding & Engagement Photographers
Sample Posts for Florists
Sample Posts for Med Spas
Sample Posts for Chiropractors
Sample Posts for Daycare
Sample Posts for CBD
Sample Posts for Children's Orthopedic Specialists
Sample Posts for Carpet Cleaners
Sample Posts for House Cleaners
Sample Posts for Burger Joints
Sample Posts for Taco Shops
Sample Posts for Bike Shops
Sample Posts for Trampoline Parks
Sample Posts for Bath Remodelers
Sample Posts for Kitchen Remodelers
Sample Posts for Eyecare
Sample Posts for Electricians
Sample Posts for Spas
Sample Posts for Breakfast Restaurants
Sample Posts for Plumbers
Sample Posts for Roofers
Sample Posts for Pediatricians
Sample Posts for Pizza Restaurants
Sample Posts for Mexican Restaurants
Sample Posts for Orthodontists
Sample Posts for Italian Restaurants
Sample Posts for Life Insurance Agents
Sample Posts for Family Law Attorneys
Sample Posts for Home Insurance Agents
Sample Posts for Doughnut Shops
Sample Posts for DUI Attorneys
Sample Posts for Bankruptcy Attorneys
Sample Posts for Coffee Shops
Sample Posts for Cannabis Dispensaries
Sample Posts for Auto Insurance Agents
Sample Posts for Eyelash Salons (Lash Lounges)
Sample Posts for Nail Salons
Sample Posts for Pest Control
Sample Posts for Accountants
Sample Posts for Veterinarians
Sample Posts for Yoga Studios
Sample Posts for Real Estate Agents
Sample Posts for Dentists
Sample Posts for Cosmetic Surgeons
Sample Posts for Personal Trainers
Sample Posts for Personal Injury Attorneys
Sample Posts for Immigration Attorneys
Sample Posts for Auto Shops
Sample Posts for Hair Salons
Sample Posts for Motivational Quotes
Sample Posts for National Days
Sample Posts for Black History (365)
Sample Posts for Women's History (365)
Sample Posts for Sports History (365)
Sample Posts for Jeopardy!
Sample Posts for Beatles Tribute
Sample Posts for Digital Marketing Agency
Sample Posts for Social Posting Services
Sample Posts for Facebook Marketing
Sample Posts for Instagram Marketing
Sample Posts for Google My Business Marketing
Sample Posts for YouTube Marketing
Sample Posts for TikTok Marketing
Sample Posts for LinkedIn Marketing
Sample Posts for Pinterest Marketing
Sample Posts for Twitter Marketing


Offering Other Micro Automated Services

In this stage you'll learn how to set up the other Micro Automated Services you can offer your clients

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on ClickFunnels and explain why hybrid (CF + WP) websites are so vital to local businesses. You can sell these sales funnel websites and charge their clients up to $1497 per site and $99-$299 per month for maintenance and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Bookings which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Messages which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on posting content to Google My Business on autopilot which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on providing Groupon like offers which are vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $450-$900 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on how to get NEW customers who are about to celebrate their birthdays using a unique Facebook ad strategy which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $199-$249 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Facebook Messenger Chatbots using ManyChat plus 8 essential ‘bots’ which are vital to your Agency and for Auto Shop Owners. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on updating client's Instagram Stories which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on updating client's social media billboards which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on providing monthly newsletters in various formats which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge your clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K.

This is a monthly subscription that will give you 19+ niche specific completely done-for-you monthly email newsletters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: How many client accounts are included in the DFY service?

    Answer: UNLIMITED!!!

  • ​Question: How many client accounts and posts are included in the LIFETIME DFY service?

    Answer: UNLIMITED!!!

  • Question: How many social media accounts per client are included in the DFY service?

    Answer: UNLIMITED!!! (Meaning each client could theoretically have 6 social media accounts for each business they have - 1 Facebook Business Page, 1 Instagram Account, 1 Twitter Account, 1 Google My Business Account, 1 LinkedIn Account, and 1 Pinterest Account)

  • Question: What social media networks does Social Posting Application post to?

    Answer: Facebook Business Page, Instagram, Twitter, Google My Business, LinkedIn, and Pinterest - with Facebook Groups coming next week!

  • Question: How many social posts per client per day are included in the DFY service?

    Answer: UNLIMITED!!!

  • ​Question: Does your Social Posting Application post videos?

    Answer: Not yet! But it's in the works! :-)

  • Question: Can I supply my own content in the DFY service?

    Answer: YES!!!

  • Question: Can I supply my own content in the even if I want to do my own social posting?

    Answer: YES!!!

  • Question: Will the social posts be watermarked with the client's logo?

    Answer: YES!!! (Unless you don't want them to be or want to supply pre-watermarked images)

  • Question: How long after I submit a DFY social posting request will it go live?

    Answer: Typically, within 24 hours

  • Question: How many new clients can I submit per day in the DFY service?

    Answer: UNLIMITED!!! (For now, but please be mindful with your requests)

  • Question: Do you have a library of Facebook demo pages for each of the niches?

    Answer: Unfortunately, no. :-(

  • Question: Do I still have to wait 30 days to get a new niche?

    Answer: NO!!! (You get instant access to over 100 image packs from directly within the Social Posting Application)

  • Question: Can the post images be edited? Can the PSD files be accessed to add/remove/adjust elements of each image before posting?

    Answer: Yes, but I have to protect my business (assets and membership) from someone coming in and downloading them all and quitting. So as a workaround I will allow a member to request one niche per month to download or at my discretion on a case-by-case basis. However, if you were to sign-up for the NEW LIFETIME OPTION to download all the PSD source files (and images), I wouldn't have to throttle you back at all. ;-)

  • Question: Do I still get access to all the other products/programs/training and done-for-you digital assets?

    Answer: YES!!!

  • Question: Do I still get access to the 60 additional small business images and 4 small business blog posts each month?

    Answer: YES!!!

  • Question: Do I still have to purchase new image packs when they become available?

    Answer: NO!!! (Unless you want to use them with some other social posting service)

  • ​Question: How is Micro Service Insiders different from Learn Small Business Consulting (For People Who Want To Start A Small Business Consulting Business/Digital Marketing Agency)?

    Answer: Micro Service Insiders is the logical next step in your Small Business Consulting journey.  Learn Small Business Consulting gives you a beginners understanding of small business consulting to having a complete understanding of the primary two digital agency models, a beginners understanding of Micro Automated Services, and having established your small business consulting business.  Micro Service Insiders takes you from just getting started with establishing your Digital Agency (becoming a Small Business Consultant) to having an advanced understanding of Micro Automated Services and are able to generate new leads, convert those leads to clients/customers, and scale your business without increasing your workload. 

  • Question: What if I'm a Learn Small Business Consulting member?

    Answer: If you're in Stage 5 or Module 5 or later then I suggest you sign-up for this monthly membership as this will help you start getting all of my digital information products and done-for-you digital assets set up and working for you to generate leads and convert those leads to clients/customers.

  • Question: What if I don't have a business yet?

    Answer: No problem! We can help you get started inside Learn Small Business Consulting! You’ll get step-by-step instruction! And of course you can still learn a lot about growing your social media platforms and growing your audience. It might be the catalyst to get you motivated and get your business off the ground.

  • ​​Question: What if I don't have a website yet?

    Answer: No problem. You're in luck!  You will learn exactly what to do and what NOT to do before building your website. In fact, the very first Stage in Micro Service Insiders  is to get your "Local Social Salesman" (sales funnel website) set up and running.

  • Question: Do I have to be in the Facebook group?

    Answer: We encourage you to join our Facebook group so that you don’t miss out on the community that you’ll find inside and the opportunity to ask and get your questions answered by the business owners working alongside you, but it is definitely not required.

  • Question: What if I'm not good with technology? 

    Answer: If you have a Facebook business page and a little experience navigating on a computer you’ll be fine! We keep things pretty simple. Besides, in this day and age you can Google just about anything or email us if you don’t understand something.

  • Question: Do I have to attend all of the trainings? What if I can't make the LIVE calls?

    Answer: All of the recordings are available for you to watch at your convenience. Joining the live calls does, however, give you the opportunity to engage! But we like to think of this like a buffet, take what you want, consume what you want. The key is to remember that you are the one that controls your overwhelm. The only thing I ask is that you IMPLEMENT the trainings that you’re watching. Because watching and watching will only get you so far if you’re not actually implementing anything.

  • Question: Is Micro Service Insiders for beginners or someone more advanced?

    Answer: This is typically for folks that already have their Digital Agency or Consulting Business established. However, it doesn’t matter if you have 0 clients or 100 clients or wherever you’re at in your business, the principles that I’m teaching will apply to any level of business.   If you're interested in Small Business Consulting, but have never done it before, then I suggest you start with my Learn Small Business Consulting membership where I help people who are interested in starting an online business by teaching them how to become a Small Business Consultant.

  • Question: Can I quit anytime?

    Answer: Yes, I promise this is NOT group coaching jail! You can quit at anytime, but here's the thing... I don't want you coming INTO the group with that mindset. I want you to promise that you'll give growing your business your best shot... you owe it to yourself! Keep in mind you'll need to fill out the cancellation form 48 hours before your payment renewal processes so we cancel your membership.

  • Question: I've been in memberships before, how is this different?

    Answer #1: This is current AND no one I know is teaching exactly how I'll be teaching it.

    Answer #2: I actually DO ALL OF THIS not someone else.

    Answer #3: THE PRICE!

SURPRISE BONUS #1: 19 Local Social Newsletters For Your Client's Email Marketing (Value $1,197/yr.)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This is a monthly subscription that will give you 19+ niche specific completely done-for-you monthly email newsletters.

Sample Newsletter For Dentists


Welcome January!

New Year, new you! The beginning of a new year is a great time to make those resolutions to improve your looks and health. Have you ever thought about getting your teeth straightened? Your friends at XYZ are always here to help you achieve your goals and maximize your health.

There are many reasons to have straightened and aligned teeth. Primarily, straightening teeth makes them easier to clean because crowding is reduced. This lowers the risk of receding that ages you.

Correcting the position of the teeth, widening a smile and lifting the smile upwards can make the skin and whole face look tauter and firmer.

Here are more reasons to get teeth properly aligned:

1) Clearer speech. Crooked teeth can be responsible for many speech impediments which can affect school performance, social interaction and self-confidence.

2) Reduced headaches. Uneven wear caused by crooked teeth can cause chronic pressure spots that can impact the jaw and lead to headaches and pain in the jaw.

3) Fewer soft tissue injuries. Crooked teeth push into soft tissue in irregular patterns potentially causing cuts, sores and even infections.

4) Simpler brushing. Straight, aligned teeth makes brushing easier. It enhances the results of cleaning as tooth surfaces are more accessible and easier to clean.

5) Lower risks for accidents. Mouth guards are harder to fit to crooked teeth. Protruding teeth are more susceptible to cracking or breaking.

6) Saves money in the long run. Better dental hygiene (see number 4) means smaller dental bills are achievable.

7) Better eating. Your ability to chew is vital to your digestion. Having properly aligned teeth can increase the chewing mechanism that begins the digestion process.

8) Fewer gum issues. Oral hygiene issues caused by crooked teeth can lead to gum disease. Gum disease in turn can directly lead to loss of teeth.

9) Improved overall health. Decaying teeth can negatively impact your risk for heart disease and increased blood sugar. Straightening helps avoid these problems through better hygiene.

HINT: You'll see your confidence improve! As your looks and function improve you will see your self-esteem soar. What a way to make a lasting change in the new year.

Just give us a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX to set up a consultation. We are here to answer all your questions and thoroughly explain all procedures and options. We are anxious to see you and help you achieve maximum beauty and health benefits.

Talk soon,




This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #2: Local Social Funnel For Your Client Prospecting (Value $297)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This product will give you training and a done-for-you method for creating a 'Social Sales Funnel' to drive leads for pennies on the dollar to your own and/or your client's offers.  You can sell this as a service and charge $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more! 

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #3: Local Social Groups For Your Client Prospecting (Value $297)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This product will give you the necessary training for creating niche-specific Facebook groups of local business owners to build trust by providing value in the form of intent based branding and ultimately selling them their own digital marketing expertise in the form of digital marketing courses (training) which the local business owners can implement themselves.

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #4: Local GMB Posts For Your Client's Google My Business/Google Business Profile Listing (Value $297)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on posting content to Google My Business on autopilot which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #5: Local GMB Bookings For Your Client's Google My Business/Google Business Profile Listing (Value $297)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Bookings which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #6: Local GMB Messages For Your Client's Google My Business/Google Business Profile Listing (Value $297)

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Messages which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

SURPRISE BONUS #7: *Micro Service Business DFY Service - Includes

FREE HighLevel Account

(Value $5,000 + $97/mo.)

*ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members Who Sign-Up For The Yearly Payment Plan Or The DFY Lifetime Level!

ONLY available for 1st 5 NEW Members!

*Requires Yearly or DFY Lifetime Subscription

This product will give you complete A-to-Z training on Google My Business Messages which is vital to local businesses. You can sell this service and charge their clients up to $99-$199 per month and easily scale this up to $10K per month or more!

This is the next logical step in your "Micro Service Agency" progression.

If you're serious about having a REAL, PROFESSIONAL online presence...

Then it's an absolute MUST to have your very own 'Micro Service Business.'

The Micro Service Business I'm offering to do for you here, is heavily focused on creating an asset you own in the form of an email list.

It's essentially an "Automated Sales Machine" which has been developed to generates leads, and then converts those leads into paying customers/clients from backend sales through the power of email marketing.

This is a complete system with no stone left unturned.

If you were to try to get something like this created by someone at Fiverr, UpWork, Freelancer, etc...

They would (and should) charge you upwards of $10,000 if not more for a system as robust as this is. (as will I too at some point soon - so be warned!)

However, no one could ever really re-create exactly what I have created since this has been fine tuned through trial and error over the past 3-4 years.

So they simply would not have enough intimate knowledge to include all the bells and whistles this currently has.

And right now I'm offering to GIVE YOU THIS at a ridiculously low price for a limited time only!

And if you've been a Micro Service Insider member for any length of time, then you already know that I've increased this price 3 times already!

So don't dilly dally and pay more when you can pay less! ;-)

My Done-For-You Micro Service Business Will...

  • Remove any and all “tech blocks” you may have

  • Remove any missing pieces to your sales funnel

  • Ensure it gets done so you can have a professional online presence

  • ​Allow you to make sales WITHOUT having to “sell”

  • Maximize your ability to convert leads into customers/clients

  • ​Follow up with leads AND customers/clients to up-sell them to your other Micro Automated Services

Sales Funnel Website Using HighLevel

  • Set up and configure your Local Social Salesman website with HighLevel

  • Set up and configure your payment links/shopping cart with Stripe/PayPal within HighLevel

  • Set up and configure your customer/client onboarding questionnaire in HighLevel

  • ​Set up and configure your domain name with your sales funnel - Local Social Salesman in HighLevel

  • ​Set up and configure your email marketing in HighLevel

Email Marketing Using HighLevel

  • Set up and configure your  workflows/automations for monthly email newsletters which I've written for you:

  • Facebook Marketing  - Set up to go out between the 1st - 7th of each month

  • Instagram Marketing - Set up to go out between the 8th - 14th of each mont

  • Google My Business Marketing - Set up to go out between the 15th - 21st of each month

  • YouTube Marketing - Set up to go out between the 22nd - 28th of each month

  • Create your workflow/automation for your follow-up email sequence for customer/client purchases which I will write for you

  • Create your workflow/automation for your follow-up email sequence for customer/client cart abandonment which I will write for you

  • ​Create your workflows/automations (12) for Local Social Remarketing monthly which I will write for you:

  • January - Social Posting - 1 Week New Year Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • February - Social Newsletters - 1 Week Valentine's Day Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • March - Social Chatbots - 1 Week St. Patrick's Day Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • April - Social Deals - 1 Week Easter Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • May - Social Birthdays - 1 Week Mother's Day Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • June - Social Billboards - 1 Week Father's Day Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • July - Social Blog Posts - 1 Week 4th of July Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • August - Hybrid Sales Funnel Websites - 1 Week Back to School Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • September - Social Video Marketing - 1 Week Labor Day Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • October - Reputation Management - 1 Week Halloween Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • November - Retargeting Ads - 1 Week Thanksgiving Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • December - Google My Business - 1 Week Christmas (Holidays) Sale - Write and set up 3 emails to go out on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Paid Ads Using Facebook

  • Set up and configure your Facebook business account

  • ​Create and add your Facebook pixel to your website/sales funnel

  • ​Add and verify your domain in the Facebook business account manager

  • ​Configure pixel tracking events for the domain in Facebook business account manager

  • ​Create your first Facebook ads for your:

  • Video View ad campaign (to build a warm audience)

  • Conversion ad campaign (to get sales from warm audience and cold audience)

  • ​Traffic ad campaign (to retarget website visitors)

  • ​Reach ad campaign (to retarget website visitors)

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This product will give you 180 completely done-for-you high-quality professionally designed images for your client's Facebook Business page to attract more customers!

This is a masterclass program that teaches you everything from A-to-Z about taking something which you have expert knowledge in and turning it into a digital information product (course) that you can sell through the platform.

What's Next?

As soon as you register, you'll receive an invite to our private community.

We'll be meeting Live on Zoom at least once per week.
You'll have me supporting you every step of the way.

And if you're unable to attend a live session, don't sweat it. They'll all be recorded and posted in your private community.

Access never expires, so you can watch them any time.


You've probably seen the countdown timer on this page.

The offer completely expires when the timer hits "zero".

You've read this far and you obviously want to make being a Small Business Consultant or Digital Agency Owner work for you.

This membership will help you do that.  

Sign up right away by clicking the button below.

Get Access To Micro Service Insiders For Only

Get Lifetime Access To Micro Service Insiders For Just One Payment Of

$299.95/mo.  $99.95/mo. TODAY!

$2,999.95  ONLY $1,999.95 TODAY!

NOW INCLUDES the Done-For-You (DFY) Social Posting Service

*7-Day Trial Offer Rebills At $99.95/mo.*

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!
Click the chat icon in the lower right hand corner of this page
Or email me at

© 2020-2024 All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the FaceBook website or FaceBook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by FaceBook in ANY WAY. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FaceBook INC